If you’re following the ketogenic diet, you probably know that your carb intake needs to stay below 30 grams per day.
This is especially tricky for people who love sweets and snacks.
Fortunately, there are plenty of keto-friendly foods out there that can be eaten in moderation.
When it comes to cookies, you’ve probably seen Quest’s cookies at the grocery store.
But, you may wonder if Quest cookies are keto friendly or not.
In this article I’ll discuss how many carbs are in Quest cookies & if they’re keto friendly or not.
What Are Quest Cookies?
Quest cookies are low–carb, high protein cookies. There are normal Quest cookies & frosted Quest cookies. Both varieties come in a wide range of flavors ranging from chocolate chip, to snickerdoodle, to double chocolate.
Quest Nutrition is a health food brand that produces low–carb, high protein snack foods, protein bars, and protein powders.
Quest’s products have been popular among health-conscious consumers for many years.
One of Quest’s most popular product is their line of protein cookies, which come in these flavors:
- Chocolate Chip
- Double Chocolate Chip
- Peanut Butter
- Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip
- Snickerdoodle
Quest also came out with frosted cookies. There are only two frosted cookie flavors:
- Birthday Cake
- Chocolate Cake
I’ve tried both types of Quest cookies, & they’re both delicious.
If I wanted a normal cookie, I’d go for their normal protein cookies.
But, if I was hosting a party (with others or myself,) I’d choose the frosted cookies.

What Ingredients Are In Quest Cookies?
The ingredients in Quest cookies are milk protein isolate, whey protein isolate, butter, soluble corn fiber, erythritol, palm oil, unsweetened chocolate, water, calcium caseinate, natural flavors, cocoa butter, sunflower lecithin, sea salt, baking soda, sodium caseinate, xanthan gum, & stevia sweetener.
What Ingredients Are In Quest Frosted Cookies?
The ingredients in Quest frosted cookies are whey protein isolate, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, micellar casein, sunflower oil, erythritol, water, cocoa processed with alkali, almonds, glycerin, palm kernel oil, polydextrose, cellulose, natural flavors, sea salt, soluble corn fiber, sunflower lecithin, colors, gum arabic, baking soda, sucralose, carnauba wax, xanthan gum.
Quest protein cookies & Quest frosted cookies both have pretty healthy ingredients.
But, the erythritol can cause digestive issues in some people.
So, if you know that eating artificial sweeteners causes you to have problems, you shouldn’t eat Quest cookeis.

How Many Carbs Are In Quest Cookies?
There are 4 – 5 grams of net carbs in one regular sized Quest protein cookie. But, their frosted cookies, even though they’re smaller, only have 1 gram of net carb per cookie.
Here are the carbs for each flavor of Quest protein cookie:
- Chocolate Chip––4g net carbs
- Snickerdoodle––4g net carbs
- Peanut Butter — 5g net carbs
- Double Chocolate Chip — 5g net carbs
- Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip — 5g net carbs
Both Quest frosted cookie flavors, birthday cake & chocolate cake, both only have 1 grams of net carb per cookie.
Are Quest Cookies Keto?
Yes, Quest cookies are keto. One Quest cookie only has 4 – 5 grams of net carbs. So, if you eat one or two Quest protein cookies a day, you’ll be well within your daily carb limit.
But there is one thing to keep in mind.
While Quest cookies are low in carbs, they are high in artificial sweeteners.
Eating a lot of artificially sweetened foods may cause you to crave more sugary foods, which could cause you to gain weight down the line.
So, even though Quest cookies are keto-friendly, you shouldn’t eat a ton of them.
If you want to still enjoy Quest cookies on the keto diet, just make sure that you eat them only once in a while so you don’t develop a bad habit of regularly eating artificial sweeteners.

How Many Calories Are In Quest Cookies?
One Quest protein cookie has 220 – 250 calories. One Quest frosted cookie has 90 calories. So, if you want to lose weight, you don’t need to worry that much about the calories in Quest cookies.
Are Quest Foods Healthy?
Yes, in general Quest foods are healthy since they’re low in carbs & high in protein & fiber. But, Quest foods also contain a lot of artificial sweeteners, which aren’t good for your health. So, Quest foods aren’t the healthiest in the world. That’s why you should only eat Quest foods every once in a while.
But, as long as you don’t eat more than one artificially sweetened food a day, you’ll likely be good.
If you want to avoid artificial sweeteners, you can also enjoy many other non–sweet products made by Quest like their MCT oil, coconut oil, chips, and even pizzas.

Should You Eat Quest Cookies on Keto?
If you’re craving a cookie on keto, you can eat Quest cookies since they’re low in carbs. If you eat a single Quest protein cookie, you’ll stay well within your carb intake for the day. But, try to limit the amount of artificially sweetened foods you eat, like Quest cookies, for your overall health.
Now I’ll answer some of the most common questions that people ask me about Quest cookies & keto.
What Sweeteners Are In Quest Cookies?
Quest cookies are mostly sweetened with erythritol, polydextrose, & stevia. These sweeteners are debated on whether they have an impact on insulin or not. However, as of now, there isn’t enough research to prove if these sweeteners are bad for you or not.
How Many Quest Cookies Can I Eat on Keto?
Since Quest cookies only have 4 – 5 grams of net carbs, you can eat around 5 Quest cookies per day without getting kicked out of ketosis. But, since they’re high in artificial sweeteners, you should limit yourself to one or two Quest cookies per day so you don’t become inflamed.
Which Flavor of Quest Cookie Is Healthiest?
Since all Quest cookies have similar ingredients, all of them have similar nutritional profiles. That’s why you should just choose whichever Quest cookie flavor you like best.
How Much Protein Is In a Quest Cookie?
Quest protein cookies have around 15 grams of protein per cookie. This makes Quest cookies moderate in protein. But, if you want more protein, you should eat Quest’s protein bar, which has 21 grams of protein.
How Much Fat Is In a Quest Cookie?
Most Quest cookies have 15 – 18 grams of fat. The fat in Quest cookies come from soybean oil, milk fat, butter, palm oil, cocoa butter, & sunflower lecithin. These are all relatively healthy sources.
How Much Fiber Is In a Quest Cookie?
One Quest cookie has 9 grams of fiber. That makes Quest cookies high in fiber, which can help you to stay full for longer.
How Much Protein Is In a Quest Frosted Cookie?
One Quest frosted cookie has 5 grams of protein. This makes Quest frosted cookies moderate in protein. If you’re looking for more protein, go for Quest’s protein bar instead of their cookies.
How Much Fat Is In a Quest Frosted Cookie?
One Quest frosted cookie has 7 grams of fat. This makes Quest frosted cookies high in fat.
How Many Carbs Are In a Quest Frosted Cookie?
There is only 1 net carb in one Quest frosted cookie. Since Quest frosted cookies are so low in carbs, you can eat as many of them as you want without worrying about getting kicked out of ketosis.
How Much Fiber Is In a Quest Frosted Cookie?
There is 3 grams of fiber in one Quest frosted cookie. This makes Quest frosted cookies moderate in fiber.
Are Quest Cookies Ok for Diabetes?
Yes, Quest cookies are ok for people with diabetes. This is because Quest cookies only have 4 grams of net carbs, so it wouldn’t raise your insulin that much.
Are Quest Cookies Gluten–Free?
Yes, Quest cookies are gluten free. All of Quest’s ingredients are free in gluten.
Are Quest Cookies Low–FODMAP?
No, Quest Bars aren’t low FODMAP. That’s because Quest cookies have a lot of ingredients that can cause stomach problems, like artificial sweeteners, fiber, & whey protein.
If you want a lower FODMAP protein bar, try making your own protein bars at home.
Are Quest Cookies Dairy–Free?
No, Quest cookies aren’t dairy–free since they contain milk protein & butter.
Are Quest Cookies Vegetarian?
Yes, Quest cookies are vegetarian because they don’t have any meat products.
Are Quest Cookies Vegan?
No, Quest cookies aren’t vegan because they contain milk protein & butter.
In conclusion, Quest cookies are a keto friendly alternative to normal cookies. They only have 4 – 5 grams of net carbs, so they’re pretty low in carbs. But, since they have artificial sweeteners, you shouldn’t eat too many of them.
If you want to read about how I lost weight with intermittent fasting & what I’d recommend to myself if I was starting my weight loss journey over again, read my article here.
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