If you’ve been on the internet searching for healthier ways to live & lose weight, you probably have heard about keto and intermittent fasting.
You may have considered starting keto and fasting, or maybe you’ve already started both of them.
But, you might not know how much weight you can lose with both keto and intermittent fasting.
In this article I’ll discuss exactly how much weight you can lose in six months with keto and intermittent fasting.
What Is Keto?
Keto is a way of eating where you eat less than 50 grams of carbs per day. This helps put your body into a state of ketosis where you can use your own fat for fuel. The diet was originally used to treat epilepsy in children, but has since been adopted as a weight loss and health promotion diet.
The keto diet is similar to the Atkins diet, but with a focus on fatty foods instead of protein. This helps your body to get better adjusted to using its own fats as fuel.
I personally tried losing weight without keto, and I always failed.
However, when I start keto, I could stick to it much longer since it was easier.
I had more energy and I was more full, so I lost all the weight I needed to lose.
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting, or IF for short, is a diet that restricts the amount of time that you eat food. The most common type of intermittent fasting is 16:8 fasting where you eat for eight hours of the day and don’t eat for the other 16 hours. To simplify it, you just skip breakfast or dinner.
IF is different from keto in that you don’t restrict calories or macronutrients, you just don’t eat all the time.
Some researchers believe that intermittent fasting can help you lose weight by decreasing your insulin levels.
Intermittent fasting is different from traditional dietary guidelines, because it focuses on restricting how often you eat rather than the amount of food you eat.
How Much Weight Can You Lose With Keto and Intermittent Fasting?
On average, you can expect to lose around 20 pounds your first month with keto and intermittent fasting. This is because both of these methods help you to eat less calories throughout the day, and they both lower your insulin.
How Much Weight Can You Lose With Keto?
Many studies have shown that people who just follow a keto diet can lose as much as 15 pounds in their first month.
This is a huge difference from other diets, where people may lose only one or two pounds at most during the first month.
Many experts believe that it’s the metabolic effects of ketosis that makes keto the most effective diet to burn your own fat.
How Much Weight Can You Lose With Intermittent Fasting?
You can expect to lose around a pound a week with intermittent fasting. This is because your body’s insulin lowers, causing you to store less fat. Intermittent fasting also helps you to eat less frequently, which may help you eat less calories overall throughout the day.

How Much Weight Can You Lose In 6 Months With Keto & Intermittent Fasting?
Some experts estimate that a consistent keto & intermittent fasting plan can help you lose around 50 – 80 pounds in six months. While this estimate may seem high, it’s not unrealistic if you follow keto & IF consistently, as well as doing more intense types of fasting instead of standard 18:6 IF.
If you’re looking to lose a lot of weight in the long-term, I highly recommend keto and intermittent fasting.
For me, they were the two easiest ways to lose weight without suffering too much.
What If I Stop Losing Weight?
If you stopped losing weight with keto and intermittent fasting, you must do a more intense type of fasting. This is because your metabolism has gotten used to what & when you eat. So, you must add a more intense type of fasting, like OMAD or prolonged dry fasting.
Just by doing keto, you can lose a lot of weight. That’s because a lot of unhealthy foods contain carbs, so whenever you cut them out, you automatically want to eat less. It also puts your body into a state of ketosis where you can burn your own fat for fuel.
Eventually I stopped losing weight after doing just keto at around 50% of my weight loss goal.
Then, I added intermittent fasting.
Keto + Intermittent Fasting
If you stop losing weight with keto, or if you just want to lose weight faster, then you must progress to keto and intermittent fasting. This helps lower your insulin even more, and gets you to eat less throughout the day.
Intermittent fasting is probably the easiest, least painful way to lose weight because you just skip a meal & are only hungry for the hour or two when you would normally have that meal.
Eventually, you stop getting hungry since your hormone ghrelin adjusts, so you don’t even feel hungry anymore.
With intermittent fasting, I lost another 25% of my weight loss goal.
Once I stopped losing weight with keto & IF, I progressed IF to OMAD fasting.
Keto + OMAD Fasting
OMAD fasting is one meal day, and it intensifies the benefits of intermittent fasting. It helps you lower your insulin, and gets you to eat less calories throughout the day whilst staying full.
Doing keto & OMAD helped me to lose around 15% more of my weight loss goal, putting me 90% there.
However, I still had some pounds I needed to lose.
Then, I had to progress to the final progression of fasting: prolonged dry fasting.
Prolonged Dry Fasting
With prolonged dry fasting, you don’t drink water or eat for multiple days. Not only is it the fastest way to lose weight, it also puts your body into a state of autophagy, helping your overall longevity and health.
The way prolonged dry fasting works is that your body combines the hydrogen in your fat with the oxygen you breathe to create H²O.
That is why camels have fat in their humps; it’s to let them survive even when there’s no water.
Prolonged dry fasting is more effective than prolonged wet fasting because your body not only burns fat from not eating, it also burns fat by creating its own water.
This gets you to lose around a pound of fat a day (~3500 calories) & around a pound or two of excess water.
If you’ve been doing keto and OMAD for a long time, then you can definitely handle prolonged dry fasting. However, it is at your own risk.

Keto & intermittent fasting are two of the easiest ways to lose weight. When you do keto & intermittent fasting together, you can expect to lose around 50 – 80 pounds in six months. The most important thing is that you progressively keep doing more intense types of fasting so you keep losing weight.
If you’re interested in starting keto & intermittent fasting, here’s my article where I answer every single question you have about keto, in addition to the things I learned over my 40 pound weight loss journey.
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