How Much Weight Can You Lose In 6 Weeks on Keto?

How Much Weight Can You Lose In 6 Weeks on Keto?

If you are first starting a keto diet, then you might not know how much weight you can lose.

Some people claim that they lost ten pounds in one week, whilst some others only lose a pound a week.

In this article, we’ll discuss how much weight you can realistically lose in six weeks on keto.

What Is Keto?

Keto is a low carb, high fat diet which promotes weight loss by lowering insulin. After eating a keto diet for multiple days, then your body will go into ketosis, a state where your body can burn its own fat for fuel. This allows people to easily lose weight without being very hungry or fatigued.

Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body utilizes ketones as its main source of energy instead of glucose. It’s often used as an alternative to a standard high-carb diet to help people lose weight, lower blood sugar levels, improve blood cholesterol levels, and improve blood pressure.

In addition, low insulin levels in the body cause decreased hunger, which can help people reduce their food intake.

Some people may also choose to follow a keto diet to have better control over blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and appetite, or to improve brain function.

Other people choose to follow a keto diet to improve their health and well-being by reducing chronic inflammation, increasing vitality and energy levels, improving digestion, and reducing stress.

Photo by Tessa Rampersad on Unsplash

How to Lose Weight on Keto

To lose weight on keto, you must eat in a caloric deficit and stay under your carb limit of 50 grams of net carbs per day.

As long as you eat under 50 grams of net carbs per day, you’ll be in ketosis.

What Are Net Carbs?

Net carbs are the number of total carbs in the food after subtracting the amount of fiber and artificial sweeteners in it.

Fiber and artificial sweeteners don’t have any calories, so they don’t raise insulin.

Most people count net carbs instead of total carbs because net carbs are the only carbs that affect insulin.

How to Stay In a Caloric Deficit on Keto?

If you’re doing keto, then it’s going to be pretty easy to stay in a caloric deficit. This is because the food you eat will make you very full. Just don’t eat often & you’ll lose weight.

However, if you still are losing weight, then you can try intermittent fasting. This would force you to eat less often, lowering your insulin & calories, but still staying full.

How Much Weight Can You Lose the First Week on Keto?

Research shows that most people can realistically expect to lose about 1–2 pounds per week on keto. However, in the first week of keto, you can expect to lose around 10 pounds because your body is getting rid of water weight.

Carbs hold water, so when you stop eating carbs, the water that was attached to it also flushes out.

In my first week on keto, I lost around 10 pounds as well, but only around 1 to 2 pounds of it was actually fat. The other 8 pounds was just water.

However the weeks coming after the first week, I only lost around 1 to 2 pounds per week, but all of it was fat.

Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash

How Much Weight Can You Lose In Six Weeks on Keto?

You can expect to lose around 15 – 20 pounds in your first six weeks of keto. However, during the first week, you can expect to lose around 10 pounds, but most of it would be water weight. So in total, you can expect to lose around 8–12 pounds of fat in six weeks on keto.

And, if you add intermittent fasting on top of keto, then you can expect to lose much more weight.

If you do intermittent fasting and keto and stop losing weight, then just start doing more intense variations of fasting, like OMAD fasting or prolonged dry fasting.

How to Break a Keto Weight Loss Plateau

To break a keto weight loss plateau, you must fast. You can start off with intermittent fasting, and then work up to OMAD and prolonged dry fasting. Fasting works because it lowers your insulin and helps you to eat less during the day.

When you start losing weight on a keto diet, you’ll notice that the pounds come off quickly. However, after the first few pounds, you’ll likely experience a weight loss plateau.

This happens because your metabolic rate significantly lowers because you’ve eaten the same amount of foods consistently, and thus you’ll be burning fewer calories.

If this happens, you must add something on top of keto, like fasting.

Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer on Unsplash

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a type of fasting where you eat for, let’s say eight hours of the day, and don’t eat for the other 16 hours of the day.

This can help lower your insulin and make you eat fewer calories overall in the day.

This is one of the easiest ways to lose weight since you stop getting hungry after a while.

And, once you start once you stop losing weight with intermittent fasting and keto, you can start doing keto and OMAD (one meal a day) fasting.

OMAD Fasting

OMAD fasting is a type of intermittent fasting where you eat one meal a day. This helps lower your insulin and gets you to eat fewer calories without being too hungry. It also helps you reach a deeper state of ketosis.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Prolonged Dry Fasting

To “put the nail in the coffin,” you must do prolonged dry fasting. With prolonged dry fasting you don’t eat or drink water for multiple days.

It may sound very intense, but once you do intermittent fasting, OMAD, and keto, you’ll be used to it.

Prolonged dry fasting works because your body can combine the hydrogen in your fat & the oxygen that you breathe to create H²O.

With prolonged dry fasting you can burn up to a pound of fat a day, and get rid of a pound of water per day.


Just by eating keto and fasting alone, I was able to lose all the way I need to lose.

However, if you want to lose weight even faster, you can add a weightlifting routine on top of your diet.

Weightlifting can help you build muscle and burn calories at the same time.

Exercise has also been shown to reduce hunger signals, making it easier to lose weight.

However, the biggest benefit of weightlifting is that it is a good healthy habit that will make you healthier overall.

Exercising in itself won’t make you lose much weight because it doesn’t burn down that many calories, so the diet must be what drives weight loss

Photo by Huha Inc. on Unsplash


Keto is a low-carb eating plan that involves restricting carbohydrate intake to force your body to burn its own fat for fuel. On keto, you can expect to lose around 15 – 20 pounds in your first six weeks. However, if you want to lose weight faster, you can do fasting.

If you want to find out how to start lazy keto, you can read my article here detailing what lazy keto is & how to start.

John Kaya